In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Psalm 62:7

Anyone who has been convicted of his sin knows the sinking feeling that spreads over him like a dark cloud. Shame, guilt, and utter disdain for himself are just a few of the emotions that accompany the humiliation. The devil whispers in his ear that God can never use him again and that he will forever be worthless for the cause of Christ. Perhaps a delve into pornography, a compromise of purity, a harsh word spoken in anger, or a stolen item from a store was the instigator of those feelings. Whatever the cause, however, I beg to differ from the notion that a mistake renders a life useless to God.
Consider the writer of Psalm 62. David was a powerful man who fell prey to Satan’s snares in a moment of weakness. He suffered greatly as a result of his sin, but he was used of God in a mighty way even after the great heartache he caused himself and his God. It was in the Book of Acts, many year after his death, that God called David “a man after mine own heart.” Throughout history, men who have picked themselves up after a tremendous fall have been humbled to the point where God could finally use them. 1 John 1:9 says that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us. The wonderful thing about our God is that He not only restores a repentant sinner to fellowship, but He uses the missteps and the mistakes of His children in the plan for their lives and allows much good to come from those mistakes. Had David not sinned with Bathsheba, there would have been no Solomon to carry on the line through which Christ would ultimately come. Had David’s sin not caused the death of his and Bathsheba’s baby, then millions of parents would possibly never know the comfort from David’s words that he would see that child in Heaven some day.
I am not suggesting that we just live our lives in sin because God will make good come from it. David suffered much because of His sin, and it was only after his heart-felt repentance that God used Him. David’s good name was also tarnished forever, but it certainly proves that David’s life of usefulness for God was not over when he sinned. Romans 8:28 says that all things will work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose. Don’t let the devil tell you that God can no longer use you because you made some mistake. Beg God’s forgiveness, get up, dust yourself off, and go do something for Him.
Read also: Psalm 62
Quote of the day: “And if I could tell you one thing, it would be: you are never as broken as you think you are. Sure, you may have a couple scars and a couple bad memories, but then again, all heroes do.”