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     The Bus Ministry at Mt. Victory Baptist Church is more than just a ride to church. It is an opportunity for boys and girls to potentially have their lives changed through the power of the gospel. There is nothing greater that we can do for the next generation than to show them how they can be saved, and then show them from the Word of God how they should live. Countless thousands, or even millions, of lives have been changed over the past decades through church bus ministries, and we know God can do the same for your child. Each week, we will bring the bus by your house and use the opportunity to teach your children Bible stories and songs, have fun, and give them a snack. Our volunteers are vetted and trained and love working with children. 

     We would love the opportunity to pick your children up on the bus and take them to church, and we would even love for you to join them. If you would like us to meet with you so we can start picking up your child on Sundays, please fill out the form below, and we will contact you as soon as we can. Letting your kids go to church will be the best decision you could make to help them live a truly successful life, and you won't regret it!  

Bus Ministry Sign Up

Thank you for registering your child(ren) We will be in touch soon!

© 2024 Mount Victory Baptist Church

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